Slice don’t Splice

I had an array of data that I wanted to create a sub-list of elements starting from and index, i, to a range. You can do this by calling array.slice:

Some thoughts on use cases in Kotlin

Originally published here on Medium:

January 2019 in sports

As the year counter ticked over from 2018 to to 2019 I kicked into motion my plan to get better at this sports thing. This mainly took the shape of doing a lot more exercise and trying to stick to my training plan as closely as I can.

Wind, snow and more snow

Once again I have been defeated by the weather an another attempt to complete my qualifying cross country.

After the hiatus

My last post was written a while ago as I was waiting to finally do my qualifying cross country and then finally pass my practical exams and get my PPL. Well.. seven months later and I’m still waiting. I have been constantly thwarted by bad weather every time I attempt to go flying.

My cross country

August was set to be the month that I finally passed my flying license; nine months of flying and I was set to finally have my PPL. It was not meant to be! One of the last things I had to do was complete my cross country; fly 150nm solo and make three landings and three different airfields. I attempted it three times in August and each time it was cancelled by bad weather!

My first year of flying

As I am approaching the end of my first year of flying I thought it would be good to put together a short video from the footage I have taken over the year.

Lee to Kemble

This is a fairly short blog post as there isn’t too much to recount; it was a straightforward and enjoyable flight.